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EAM in Times of Digital Transformation

Current Discussions

In times of digital transformation, enterprise architects aim to determine the new role of Enterprise Architecture Management in today's organizations. Therefore, there are several ongoing discussions on this topic. In the following, the results of such a discussion are summarized.


Q1: How does the EAM function change?

Since digital transformation is driven by a strong customer-focus, Enterprise Architects have to strongly engage with the business instead of just managing technology. To fulfil this task, identified necessary capabilities of an Enterprise Architect are strong communication skills, a good understanding of the organizations ecosystem and a strong focus on people. Summarizing, the digital transformation will make it necessary to understand the whole organization including ecosystem, people, processes, sub-systems and controls and the only role to fully understand these elements are Enterprise Architects.


Q2: Is it necessary to organize EAM in a different way?

Models supporting the EAM in the time of digital transformation are models combing decentral, collaborative and virtual aspects. These models enable the creation of synergies as well as the a focus on customer orientation.


Q3: Will there be two (or more) EA functions - one for the traditional IT (a.k.a. systems of record) one for the "other" - fast, agile, dynamic, ... - IT (a.k.a. system of engagement)?

The consensus here is that there should be no distinction between IT modes to enable the implementation of standards and therefore allow for synergies. 


Q4: If you have a CDO, in which organization do you place the EA? (CIO or CDO)?

On the one hand, EAM has to enable IT for internal processes, which is why it could be placed underneath the CIO. On the other hand, EAM should drive corporate development and the boundaries between IT for internal processes on the one side and customer/market facing IT as part of products/services on the other side are becoming more and more fluid, meaning that EAM could also be placed beneath the CDO. Summarizing, it is not clear where to place the EAM function, since it belong in-between CIO and CDO. 

The discussion can be found here.