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Ecosystem Modelling & Network Business Models

The time of vertical businesses and firm-centric views are no longer accurate to describe the business environment of companies and industries. This is replaced by dynamic networks and business ecosystems, which consists of collaborating business partners, suppliers, customers, competitors, indirect and direct competitors.

The chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis) at the TU München currently researches on the topic of modeling and visualizing business ecosystem in form of a PhD project. Further information on this PhD project can be found here.

Furthermore, the sebis chair supervises a bachelor's thesis on this topic which aims at providing a broader understanding of the connected mobility ecosystem members. Thereby, the bachelor's thesis aims to answer the following research questions:

  • How can potential actors be identified and relevant information about them be collected? 
  • How can relationships and dependencies between connected mobility ecosystem actors be documented and structured?
  • How can this additional information be visualized with focus on the practical applicability of the Ecosystem Explorer?

Further information on this bachelor's thesis can be found here.

As a starting point an Ecosystem Explorer is developed, which models and visualizes the ecosystem of the TUM Living Lab Connected Mobility project ( 

Figure 1: Ecosystem Explorer

Figure 2: Visualization of the LLCM ecosystem

In case you are interested in learning more about the ecosystem, be represented in the ecosystem for connected mobility or try the Ecosystem Explorer in your company, please contact Anne Faber. We are looking forward to collaborations and feedback from practioners.