We welcome your contributions to this web site.
You can
- Upload your own files and link them to existing topics.
- Create new topics (wiki pages).
- Update your own profile page with your picture and links to your personal sites.
How to upload a file
- Please make sure that you have the necessary rights for the file you are uploading (image credits, etc.)
- Please choose one of the creative commons licenses that should apply to your content:
- Go to All Files and use the
button upload your files.
- The smart upoad will suggest some matching topics. Please choose the relevant topics or add additional ones.
- After the upload is completed, you will find your file in the list of files.
- Please press the
-button to access the metadata of the file and add the following information to improve the accessibility of your content:
- Language
- FileType (Conference Paper, Whitepaper, Teaching Slides)
- Authors
- Event
- Date of the Event or Publication
- Classification (Case Study, Empirical Results, etc.)
- Additionally, a short summary or abstract can be added when pressing the button
in the top right corner.
How to create a new topic
- Please go to Topics.
- Press the "+ New Topic" button and create a new topic.
- Afterwards, click on your new topic to fill in a short description, the author and synonyms.
- If applicable, please indicate the used sources.
- Please don't forget to add the new topic to the paper it belongs to.
How to update your profile page
- Please go to your profil via the
-button in the top right corner.
- Fill in the your profile, including your picture as well as your LinkedIn, Xing and Website links.
If you are experiencing any issues with these tasks, please don't hesitate to contact gloria.bondel@mytum.de.