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EAM Motivation

Fast changing environments lead to the need for continuous business transformation. EAM is a good measure to cope with need [Mat+12].

Motivational Factors

In today’s world, enterprises are under continuous pressure to keep up with a fast changing environment [Mat+12]. An overview of possible influence factors is given in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Non-exhaustive list of EAM drivers.

Influence factors like globalized markets [Myk+11; Mat+12; Buc10b; Han12a], specialized customer demands [Myk+11; Ale+15] and emerging legal requirements [Myk+11; Buc10b; Man12; Han12a; Fuh11d; Ale+15; Mat+12] force the business to steadily adapt to new realities. Moreover, shorter innovation cycles [Han12a], new technologies and business models [BBL12; Buc10b; Man12; Ale+15], M&As [Man12; Fuh11d; Ale+15], a shorter time to market as well as collaborative networks create pressure on enterprise. A prominent means to support the resulting need for enterprise transformation is Enterprise Architecture Management [Myk+11; Ale+15].



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