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EAM Organization

The EAM function can be implemented as an independent department or as part of the organizations’ IT or business department [Man12].

Organizational location of the EAM Function

An EA function can be implemented as its own department or as part of already existing devisions in an organization. An advantage of the first option is that a holistic view is fostered, reducing the risk of neglecting single EAM functions. Additionally, an organizational proximity to the business executive management is established. On the other hand, setting up an independent EAM department can also cause a “Ivory Tower Syndrome” due to the detachment of the EAM function from operative business and IT activities [Man12].

The decision of integrating the EAM function into an existing department has the advantage that the organizational structure does not need to be changed. However, it needs to be determined where in the organization the function is located. In this context, the two most reasonable options are the IT department and the business units. Reasons for placing the EAM function in the IT department are the increasing value of information systems with regards to the acquisition and optimization of business capabilities. Furthermore, the IT staff is usually already trained in holistic thinking and modeling, which are important skills for the role of an Enterprise Architect. On the downside, locating the EAM function in the IT department can favor a one-sided, technology focus view on EAM activities [Man12].

The alternative approach is to place the EAM function in the business department. The benefit of this approach is a high business orientation in terms of a improved business processes and results [Man12]. Nevertheless, in practice the EAM function is usually located in the IT department [LM11], also because EAM initiatives are traditionally initiated there [Man12].



T. Mannmeusel. “Management von Unternehmensarchitekturen in der Praxis: Organisatorische Herausforderungen in mittelständischen Unternehmen.” In: Analyse und Gestaltung leistungsfähiger IS-Architekturen Modellbasierte Methoden aus Forschung und Lehre in der Praxis. Ed. by J. Suchan C; Frank. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2012, pp. 35–57.


M. Lange and J. Mendling. “An experts’ perspective on enterprise architecture goals, framework adoption and benefit assessment.” In: 2011 IEEE 15th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops. 2011, pp. 304–313.